Albertans work hard.
We Work Hard To Support Them.
Alberta Labour provides Albertan companies and workers with connections to jobs, training, and growth opportunities.
Alberta Labour is the only job board in Alberta focused on labour, contracting, and construction positions, while also providing necessary training, industry information, and useful resources.
If you are an employer looking to post a position in Alberta, you can see pricing information here and create your profile to post a job here.
If you are looking for work in Alberta, please see the full job list here.
Discover and post jobs in Alberta for trades people and labourers:
- General Labourers
- Drywall Installers
- Factory Workers
- Heavy Machinery Operators
- Exterior Renovators
- Landscapers
- Construction Workers
- And much more
Alberta Labour also provides online safety training for candidates and employers. Our online courses range from awareness level to industry recognized certification courses, providing necessary credentials for workers to be on Alberta jobsites.
We run a tight ship. Any complaints about discriminatory or illegal practices will be taken seriously. We have no tolerance for bait & switch offers, safety violators, or any fraudulent practices – if you want to report something, please contact us.